
Customised Aluminum Products

Sonderanfertigungen aus Aluminium von WMH GROUP GERMANY
Customised aluminium products from WMH GROUP GERMANY

La WMH GROUP GERMANY si distingue per una personalizzazione ai massimi livelli e un servizio su misura. La nostra esperienza pluriennale, nonché l’eccellente conoscenza di prodotti e processi, sono la vostra chiave per il successo.

Le vostre richieste prevedono formati    speciali o materiali speciali, come rare       leghe in alluminio, per ogni struttura? State tentando nuove strade con prodotti non comuni – e state cercando un socio che vi accompagni con ottime soluzioni non comuni?

Allora, noi siamo la vostra prima scelta. Anche la preparazione di soluzioni di prodotti speciali individualizzati, che possono essere integrati senza difficoltà e “in modo puntuale” nel vostro processo di produzione, non è per noi una cosa insolita – ma una vera e propria parte integrante della nostra filosofia aziendale, che è rigorosamente basata sulla qualità.

Special Formats

WMH GROUP GERMANY reliably delivers the perfect solution for all projects and products that go beyond the usual. Many oversizes are already available from the warehouse. Special orders can be ordered and delivered quickly thanks to partnerships with manufacturers. Also including a perfect logistics solution upon request.

Special Alloys

Every aluminium alloy shines with its own very special material properties. So that you can find the ideal material for your very special application, we have all common and many special aluminium alloys on stock.

We make exceptional materials available to you quickly and reliably. Our partnership-based business relationships with manufacturers and suppliers all over the world often make what remains impossible for many others.

Customised special products

In addition to selection and availability, individual product solutions are among our strengths. Because all products can of course also be processed with high precision. Water jet cutting, sawing, turning, drilling, deburring and straightening are just as much a part of our wide range of services as the production of rings and round blanks or pre-cut shapes.

WMH GROUP GERMANY is the first choice: It doesn’t matter whether you want to integrate semi-finished products according to your specifications or ready-to-install parts into your production process.

Le soluzioni in alluminio

Nostro modulo di contatto
