
Aluminum Sheet and Plate

Bleche und Platten aus Aluminium für die Luftfahrt von WMH GROUP GERMANY
Aluminium Sheet and Plate Aerospace von WMH GROUP GERMANY

Che sia nell’industria aerospaziale, nel settore di tecnologia militare, nei trasporti su rotaie, nella costruzione di attrezzature, macchinari e stampi o nel campo dell’energia elettrica e solare: la WMH GROUP GERMANY fornisce lamiere e lastre in alluminio con spessore da 0,3 mm fino a 300 mm, soprattutto laddove si richiede massima precisione e affidabilità.

I nostri punti di forza: il nostro assortimento comprende lamiere e lastre per l’industria aerospaziale, il settore DIN/EN, lastre di copertura colate e laminate, nonché pannelli assemblati.

State cercando un prodotto del tutto specifico, con speciali proprietà nel materiale o nella forma – come ad esempio anelli e dischi o forme dal taglio elaborato? Allora contattateci.


Bleche und Platten aus Aluminium für die Luftfahrt von WMH GROUP GERMANY
Aluminium Sheet and Plate for Aerospace from WMH GROUP GERMANY
Sheet and Plate Aerospace

In order to meet the highest demands of our customers from the aerospace industry at all times, we place the highest demands on the producers ourselves. Precision sheets and plates for aerospace are only purchased from approved manufacturers with a factory certificate and are stocked in many specifications. The highest internal standards for warehouse management and for all processes through to successful integration into your production guarantee you maximum product quality – and full transparency for seamless traceability.

Available materials / aluminium alloys

EN AW 2024 Al Cu4 Mg1
EN AW 6061 Al Mg1 Si Cu
EN AW 7010 
EN AW 7050
EN AW 7075 Al Zn5,5 Mg Cu
EN AW 7175
EN AW 7475
EN AW 2618

Aluminium Sheet and Aluminium Plate

DIN/EN Plate

Our range of aluminum plates from 6 millimeters thick is as wide as the range of possible uses for these products. Almost all common and many special alloys with very different material properties, from low to high strengths, are available. Thanks to various plate saws and a water jet system, precise cuts according to your specifications are part of our standard range.

Available materials / aluminium alloys

EN AW 1050 Al 99,5
EN AW 5754 Al Mg3
EN AW 5005 Al Mg1(C)
EN AW 5083 Al Mg4,5 Mn0,7
EN AW 6082 Al Si1 Mg Mn
EN AW 6061 Al Mg 1 Si Cu
EN AW 7020 Al Zn4,5 Mg1
EN AW 2024 Al Cu4Mg1
EN AW 2014 Al Cu4 Si Mg
EN AW 2017 Al Cu4 Mg Si(A)
EN AW 7019 3.4325 Unidal
EN AW 7075 Al Zn5,5 Mg Cu

Top Plates from aluminium

The highest quality in production, manufacture and processing pay off for you: Our rolled and finely milled precision plates can be integrated directly into the production process without additional processing steps – and thus without additional expenditure of time and money.

Available materials / aluminium alloys

EN AW 5083 Al Mg4,5 Mn0,7

Le soluzioni in alluminio

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