Aluminum Tube

La WMH GROUP GERMANY si distingue per massima precisione e ampia scelta. Questa ricomprende tubi tondi DIN/EN, tubi quadrati DIN/EN, tubi cilindrici/tubi WMH Plus, tubi tondi per cilindri pneumatici e cilindri profilati pneumatici, oltre a tubi tondi per aeronautica, tubi quadrati per aeronautica, tubi per aquiloni a delta e tubi ovali. In questo modo, offriamo le soluzioni ideali per l’industria aerospaziale, la tecnologia militare, il settore della carta, dell’alluminio e della stampa, l’ingegneria meccanica in generale, la tecnologia medica, settore di auto e di corse sportive, il settore dell’arredamento e dell’energia solare, nonché applicazioni pneumatiche di alta qualità.
L‘elettrotecnica, i costruttori di grandi impianti e anche i Global Player nel settore della fornitura di energia si affidano a noi per l’acquisto di tubazioni per l’elettricità. Buono a sapersi che i tubi tondi con misure di diametro esterno da 5 mm a 580 mm, come pure tutti i normali tubi quadrati, sono presenti in magazzino. Volete qualcosa di più? Ebbene, sono possibili prolunghe di oltre 20 metri, oltre a raddrizzamento e levigatura di tubi tondi.
Tube Aerospace

Round Tube Aerospace
Quality is indispensable in aerospace technology: The round tubes from WMH GROUP GERMANY meet all requirements and criteria for use in one of the most sensitive industrial sectors in the world.
Delta-Tube Aerospace
Quality is always individual – sometimes even very special. That is why we have Delta-Tube in our range. And because in the truest sense of the word a human life always depends on it, we would be happy to make you a good offer – but never compromise on quality.
Available materials / aluminium alloys
EN AW 6082 Al Si1 Mg Mn
EN AW 7075 Al Zn5,5 Mg Cu
Aluminium Tube

DIN/EN Round Aluminium Tube
The WMH GROUP GERMANY´s warehouse list includes a large selection of pressed and drawn aluminium tubes made from many different alloys. So that you can find exactly what you are looking for, many diameters and wall thicknesses are always available. For those who want even more, we offer outstanding quality and precision, even with excess lengths well over 20 meters.
Available materials / aluminium alloys
EN AW 6005 Al Si Mg(A)
EN AW 6060 Al Mg Si
EN AW 6101B E-Al Mg Si(B)
EN AW 6082 Al Si1 Mg Mn
EN AW 7020 Al Zn4,5 Mg1
EN AW 7075 Al Zn5,5 Mg Cu
EN AW 5754 Al Mg3
EN AW 4032 Al Si12 Mg Ni
EN AW 6023 Al Mg Si Sn Bi
EN AW 5083 Al Mg4,5 Mn0,7
EN AW 2007 Al Cu4 Pb Mg Mn
EN AW 6061 Al Mg1 Si Cu
Rotal-rolling Tube and WMH Plus Aluminium Tube
Wherever maximum precision and tight tolerances are required, Rotal rollers Tube or WMH Plus Tube are the first choice. For example, many companies from the paper, printing and film industries trust these high-quality pressed and roll-oriented precision products. For maximum precision, the red roller tube and WMH Plus tube can also be finely aligned on request.
Available materials / aluminium alloys
EN AW 6060 AL Mg Si
Electricity Aluminium Tube
The WMH GROUP GERMANY supplies the electrical industry, large system manufacturers and energy providers with power tubes. They are characterized by excellent conductivity, high current carrying capacity and short-circuit resistance. In outdoor switchgear, our Electricity Tube are superior to conventional ropes in every respect thanks to their large spans, low weight, high corrosion resistance and minimal maintenance requirements. Another plus: WMH GROUP GERMANY also supplies Electricity Tube in excess lengths of up to 30 meters.
Available materials / aluminium alloys
EN AW 6101B E-Al Mg Si
Oval Aluminium Tube
Anything but average: WMH GROUP GERMANY also makes the difference with tubes with an oval cross-section. Because the bottom line is that reliability and services always pay off for you.
Pneumal-Cylinder Round Aluminium Tube
Quality is the best basis for high-quality pneumatic applications. Pneumal-cylinder round tubes with internal tolerances H11 / H12 are characterized by outstanding precision, high dimensional accuracy and thus minimal reworking requirements. If your recipe for success is based on oil instead of air, we also have good news for you: if you wish, we can also deliver hydraulic aluminium tubes.
Available materials / aluminium alloys
EN AW 6060 AL Mg Si
EN AW 6082 Al Si1 Mg Mn
Pneumal-Profile Cylinder
WMH GROUP GERMANY supplies high-quality tubes for all kinds of pneumatic applications. A specialty of these are the pneumatic profile cylinders, which are available in numerous variants with internal diameters of 40 to 100 millimeters.